Vehicle Size Regulations
Operators of oversize vehicles are responsible for all clearances and are financially responsible for damage to highway structures caused by oversize vehicles and loads. Issuance of a permit does not relieve the operator of financial responsibility.

Height Limitations
The maximum height for any vehicle, including load, is 14 feet.
- A vehicle with a load of baled hay may be 15 feet high
- Farm Machinery and Fire Equipment: No heigh limit except on Interstate highways
The South Dakota Department of Transportation publishes a list of locations on the State Highway System where overhead structures restrict vehicle height below the normal limit. The list of locations and maximum heights, ordered by highway number and mileage reference marker, is at
Width Limitations
The maximum width of any vehicle is 102 inches (8 feet 6 inches).
- Farm Machinery Operated by a Farmer: No width limit during daylight hours, except on Interstate highways
Length Limitations
Length limitations are illustrated in Table 7. Unless specifically addressed, length limits shown only apply to the vehicle, and not 26 to the load carried on it. Length limitations are exclusive of load overhang, retractable extensions used to support loads, and safety or energy conservation devices such as mirrors, turn signal lamps, hand holds, flexible fender extensions, and mud flaps. Retractable extensions must be retracted when not supporting overhanging loads.
Table 7: Length Limitations
Single Truck or Bus

Truck Tractor-Semitrailer

Straight Truck-Trailer Combination

Combination Truck Tractor- Semitrailer-Semitrailer or Truck Tractor-Semitrailer-Trailer Combination

Saddlemount Combination

Stinger-Steered Auto Transporter

Towing Vehicle & Two Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilizer Tank Trailers

Towing Vehicle & Two-Trailer Combinations

Light & Medium Duty Trailer Delivery

Loads or retractable extensions on any vehicle may not extend more than 4 feet beyond the rear bumper, bed, or body, or more than 3 feet beyond the front bumper, bed, or body of the vehicle carrying the load.