Sponsoring Organizations
This handbook was developed by industry and government organizations dedicated to improving truck safety and efficiency. Those organizations and their roles in trucking follow.
South Dakota Department of Public Safety – Highway Patrol and Motor Carrier Services
Motor Carrier Services comprises District Four of the South Dakota Highway Patrol. Four permanent Ports of Entry on the Interstate highway system provide carriers entering South Dakota permits and information needed to travel through the State. In addition to the Ports of Entry, South Dakota operates mobile wheel load scale systems throughout the state. Find the Highway Patrol and Motor Carrier Services at https://dps.sd.gov/safety-enforcement/highway-patrol/motor-carrier or (605) 773-4578.

South Dakota Department of Revenue – Motor Vehicle Division
Responsibilities of the Motor Vehicle Division include motor vehicle excise tax; title and registration; motor fuel tax; special fuel tax; interstate fuel tax; prorate and commercial licensing; Unified Carrier Registration System; and dealer licensing. Contact the Motor Vehicle Division at https://dor.sd.gov/businesses/motor-vehicle/motor-carrier-services or (605) 773-3314.

South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT)
The South Dakota Department of Transportation works to provide a safe and effective transportation system for passenger and freight traffic. In addition to building and maintaining state highways used by commercial vehicles, SDDOT provides the SD511 traveler information system and assists issuance of oversize/overweight permits. Find SDDOT at https://dot.sd.gov or (605) 773-3265.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) was designated a separate administration within the U.S. Department of Transportation on January 1, 2000, pursuant to the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999. Its primary mission is to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. Headquartered in Washington, DC, FMCSA employs more than 1,000 individuals in all 50 States and the District of Columbia dedicated to improving bus and truck safety and to saving lives. Find FMCSA at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov (605) 224-8202.

South Dakota Trucking Association
The South Dakota Trucking Association’s mission is to represent and promote the interests of the trucking industry; to positively influence government and regulatory agencies; to positively promote the industry’s image; to assist member companies in managing change and enhancing profitability; to provide education through seminars and conferences; and to promote highway and driver safety. Find SDTA at https://southdakotatrucking.com or (605) 334-8871.

South Dakota Agri-Business Association
The South Dakota Agri-Business Association is an organization of crop input professionals that promotes safe and economical crop production. The Association is South Dakota’s unified voice for the promotion of environmental stewardship and educational information for the crop input industry. The South Dakota Agri-Business Association can be found at https://www.sdaba.org or (605) 224-2445.

South Dakota Petroleum & Propane Marketers Association
The South Dakota Petroleum and Propane Marketers Association represents the petroleum and propane industry in the state of South Dakota. The association focuses on petroleum, propane, safety, and hazardous material issues for its members who transport fuels. Find this association at https://sdp2ma.com or (605) 224-8606.

South Dakota Association of Cooperatives
The South Dakota Association of Cooperatives is a statewide organization that welds all types of cooperatives into a united force. SDAC’s mission is to organize, coordinate, develop, and promote programs and policies resulting in a favorable political, public, administrative, and economic environment for South Dakota’s cooperatives and their members. SDAC can be found at http://www.sdac.coop or (605) 945-2548.

Associated General Contractors of South Dakota
The Associated General Contractors of South Dakota, Highway-Heavy-Utilities Chapter, and its 300 member firms, work together to ensure effective legislative action, coordinate beneficial policies and programs with government and industry partners, create a quality work force, encourage safety on the job site, and maintain a positive image for the state’s highway construction industry. Find the AGC at https://www.sdagc.org or (605) 274-8689.

South Dakota Ag Unity
Ag Unity supports agriculture through a unified coalition to provide information and education to its members; find and articulate common ground on issues impacting agriculture; and provide information and education to elected officials and the general public. Contact Ag Unity at (605) 945-2548.